Year 3

Year 3 is taught by Miss Smith

Year 3 is a significant transitional year, so we recognise how important it is to support that journey from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. We prepare the children to acquire more independent and efficient strategies, whilst allowing them plenty of opportunities for practical and hands-on learning too.

Each day, our morning timetable follows the same routine. We have our English lesson, followed by SPAG or Phonics (SPAG Spelling Punctuation and Grammar). After break, we move on to Maths. Our afternoons begin with The Teaching of Reading lesson and are then focused on the foundation subjects: History, Geography, Art and D.T., Science, Music and Computing. This year, the whole class learned how to play the ukulele! We also have a weekly visit to the library,weekly karate and of course a fantastic session with Pure Nature Learning.

In Year 3 pupils are able to work towards earning a handwriting pen. They can achieve this by writing with consistently joined cursive handwriting for two weeks.

Year 3 Useful Information:

School Library Day: Monday

PE Day: Friday

Forest School Day: Wellie Wednesdays – the children are encouraged to come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing such as jeans or joggers and their school sweatshirt. They must bring in their school uniform to change into afterwards.

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 x a week and sign their reading log. These logs are checked on a daily basis.

Spellings: New spellings are sent home on a Friday. Spellings are tested on a Friday.

Homework - Spellings, Reading three times a week, Maths, the occasional piece of topic and times tables.

Useful things to send with your child every day:

Water bottle

Book Bag - with their Reading Book, Reading Journal, Library Book and homework folder

Coat - appropriate to the season

Wellies (can be kept at school)

Sunhat - in the Summer