Art & DT

“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have” - Maya Angelou.

Here at Bungay Primary school our children are supported and encouraged to be creative and independent, developing their skills in a progressive manner.  Through using the Cornerstones Topics the children create their own individual as well as collaborative pieces of artwork, using their sketchbooks and building on skills as they work though each topic and each year group.

Works of artists are explored and children develop the skills to critically think about these and their own designs.

Children of all abilities explore and express themselves through colour, pattern, texture, form, materials and processes. 

Creativity and imagination are at the forefront of our Design Technology curriculum, where problem solving skills are challenged and developed.  

The children are taught skills through the Cornerstones Topics that progress as the children move through the school.  Children are encouraged to consider, evaluate and improve their work from the design stage through to the completion of their final product.  Design Technology links closely with many other curriculum areas such as Maths, Science, English, Art, and History.

Art and DT are often taught in whole project days where the timetable is dropped for total absorption in the creativity.