Year 1

Year 1 is taught by Mrs McGrotty and Mrs Flatt

Mrs Flatt - Monday, Tuesday (am)

Mrs McGrotty - Tuesday (pm), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

In Year 1, we help to create a smooth transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Key Stage 1. The children will experience whole class, group led and paired work with teachers and will follow a timetable but will also experience a continuation of play based activities throughout the first Autumn half Term.  By Christmas the journey into Year 1 will be embedded and more focus will be placed on structured lessons. We continue to learn practically and encourage the pupils to be the experts.

We have daily Maths, English and phonics learning, as well as weekly Music, PE, Computing, PSHE and topic themed sessions. As much as possible we link the topic learning to the children's own experiences and capital. Each week the children visit our wonderful school library too.

Like all classes in the school, Year 1 are lucky enough to have a weekly outdoor learning session, led by a teacher.

Year 1 Useful Information

School Library Day: Friday

PE Day: Tuesday

Outdoor learning Day: Monday – the children are encouraged to come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing such as jeans or joggers and their school sweatshirt.  They must bring in a spare pair of trainers or wellies to keep at school. 

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 x a week and sign their reading log.  These logs are checked on a daily basis.

Spellings: New spellings are sent home on a Friday.  Spellings are tested on a Friday.  They will link closely with the phonics that the children are learning.

Homework - Spellings, Reading three times a week, Maths, the occasional piece of topic and number bonds.

Useful things to send with your child every day:

Water bottle

Book Bag - with their Reading Book, Reading Journal, Library Book and homework folder

Spare set of clothes - accidents happen (can be kept at school)

Coat - appropriate to the season

Wellies (to be kept at school)

Sunhat - in the Summer