Contact Details

Bungay Primary

School & Nursery,

Wingfield Street,

NR35 1HA.

Telephone: 01986 892209

If you have any queries or require paper copies of any items on this website then please call our school office 

Headteacher | Miss Amy Chambers

KS2 Leader | Mrs Dawn McGrotty

KS1 Leader | Mrs Nicola Flatt

DSL TeamMiss Amy Chambers, Mrs Dawn McGrotty, Mrs Nikki Flatt, Mrs Keeley Harris

SENDCo | Mrs Julia Gooderham

FLO & Pastoral Lead | Mrs Keeley Harris

Business Manager | Mrs Christine McCallion

Chair of Governors | Mrs Hayley Payne

Academy Trust

Asset Education

c/o Cliff Lane Primary School

Cliff Lane

Ipswich, IP3 0PJ

Telephone: 01473 351793


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