
Computing is taught weekly throughout the school. We are lucky enough to have trolleys of Chromebooks that are shared between sets of two classrooms, in addition to our ICT suite of desktop computers. The Chromebooks are used regularly across all subjects in order to develop the children’s fluency and give them the opportunity to take ownership of their learning.

Our Computing lessons follow the Keychain Computing scheme and cover a variety of topics, in line with the National Curriculum. These include programming, data analysis and creating media. There is also a focus on teaching the children how computer systems and networks operate. Online safety is woven through all lessons, in addition to designated sessions. We recognise how essential it is to prepare children of all ages to be both confident and safe in an increasingly digital world.

Each child has an account with Google Classroom, which is used to set their Computing learning, as well as being a platform to provide regular communication. This ensures that learning can be offered to children even at times where they are not able to attend school in person. Weekly spellings are posted here, to support pupils with their practising at home.