
Our chosen DFE accredited scheme for phonics is Twinkl. Please click on the image to the left to be taken to their website. 

Through their detailed daily planning and skilled teaching we deliver consistent daily phonics lessons from Nursery.  The pace is quick and the children are encouraged to read a very high volume of words in their half an hour daily lesson.  The children's lessons follow the same format of revising sounds they know, aural blending (listening to sounds and putting them back together), learning new sounds and applying the new sounds.  

Aural blending is taught throughout Nursery as from a young age there should be an expectation that they are aware of sounds around them and can listen to and zone into sounds. From a young age they are taught that phonemes can be linked together to make words. 

By the end of Year 1 the children are expected to know 40 phonemes (sounds) and their matching graphemes (how you write the sounds) and will then complete a government screening check in June. Should they need to retake this check this happens in June the following year when they are in year 2. The pass mark has been 32/40 for the past 12 years. 

Parent/Carers Guide

The presentation to the left provides a helpful insight for parents/carers.