
Taken from the National Curriculum, our aims at Bungay Primary is to ensure that all children become fluent, can reason and explain mathematically, and are able to solve problems as well as to foster an enthusiasm and fascination about maths.

We use White Rose to underpin the Mastery pedagogy in Maths at Bungay Primary. We are well supported by the Angles Maths Hub and work closely together with other Asset schools. 

Our focus is always on creative numerical fluent children who know their arithmetic skills and use them to observe and play with patterns and logic.  Our children are taught the skills of the Five Big Ideas of Mastery. They are expected in all lessons to use our acronym REAL to Read problems through, Examine the problems, patterns and theory and Act on the equations they create, Looking back and checking their work thoroughly using inverses.  

The children work with practical resources uses all senses to help them learn their numbers and are encouraged to subitise from a very young age.