
The Governors at Bungay Primary School are committed to ensuring that all pupils receive the best education in a rich learning environment. Our duty is to take a challenging and strategic role to drive the school forward to be the best it can be. We passionately believe that a good primary education is essential for preparing children for their future adult life and are committed to achieving this. With clear expectations and high standards, pupils are given the ambition to achieve their full potential becoming well rounded citizens for modern day Britain.

Our Governors are;

Hayley Payne (Chair of Governors)

Rebecca Evers (Vice Chair of Governors)

Dawn Stanborough 

Dawn McGrotty 

The Governing Body meets regularly every term and the minutes of their meetings are available for the public to read in the School Office.

The below are available on the ASSET Education website by clicking this link

Audited accounts in full – these must be published as soon as possible after the accounts are signed and no later than 31 January following the year to which the accounts relate. At least two years’ worth of accounts should remain on the trust website

Please see our Governor list and pecuniary interests here: