Year 2

Year 2 is taught by Mrs Bareham

In Year 2 we continue the transition from Year 1 but the learning is more independent,gathering all of our skills from  our school journey so far and applying them to make progress in all subjects. We continue to learn practically and encourage the pupils to be the experts. 

Pupils are greeted on the door by their teachers and they enter the classroom with an early morning activity. Each day the children partake in a Writing lesson before playtime. This is followed by phonics where some children will continue to learn letter sounds and others will be learning further spelling patterns, grammar and punctuation. We have a daily reading session where we promote the love of reading and later in the week children will answer questions on their text. We also have a daily Maths lesson using a range of resources and strategies to support the children in becoming confident mathematicians. The afternoons are focused on our topic (this may be Science, Geography, History, Art, Music or R.E). 

Year 2 Useful Information:

School Library Day: Friday Morning 

PE Day: Monday 

Forest School Day: Wellie Wednesdays – the children are encouraged to come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing such as jeans or joggers and their school sweatshirt.  They must bring in their school uniform to change into afterwards.

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 x a week and sign their reading log.  These logs are checked on a daily basis.

Spellings: New spellings are sent home on a Friday.  Spellings are tested on a Friday.

Homework - Spellings, Reading three times a week, Maths, the occasional piece of topic and number bonds and times tables. 

Useful things to send with your child every day:

Water bottle

Book Bag - with their Reading Book, Reading Journal, Library Book and homework folder

Coat - appropriate to the season

Wellies (can be kept at school)

Sunhat - in the Summer


Copy of end-of-year-2-expectations.pdf

Details of expectations for the end of KS1