Year 4

Year 4 is taught by Miss Cooper


In Year 4, we strive to provide a warm, safe and engaging learning environment where the children leave feeling inspired! We actively encourage the children to feel comfortable asking questions and have the confidence to solve challenges. 


Our engaging curriculum means that there are always strong links between their previous and new learning as it simply builds upon their knowledge and understanding. In year 4, we provide opportunities for the children to gain confidence in working more independently, whilst also enabling the opportunity for group and whole class work to enhance their teamwork skills. 


We have daily reading, writing and Maths lessons as well as weekly Music, PE, Computing PSHE and topic themed sessions. 

In our writing lessons, we have a new focus book every half term. Our writing lessons are on a cycle so that we have a new writing objective every three weeks. The first two weeks will involve us using the text to gain a deeper understanding of the writing objective and then in the final week, we plan a piece of independent writing based on the writing objective and the children have the opportunity to edit and improve their work. 


In our Maths lessons, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. Every Friday, we have a times tables test on TTRS and the children try to improve their score each week. 


We have our Topic themed lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and we have a new topic every half term. This year the children have really enjoyed learning about Ancient Civilisations, Rivers and Mountains, Potions and the invading groups in Britain after the Roman withdrawal in Britain.


The endless opportunities do not end in our classroom. Each week the children also visit our school library and take part in a weekly outdoor learning session. 

Year 4 Useful Information

School Library Day: Monday

PE Day: Monday – the children are encouraged to come into school in their PE kit. 

Outdoor Learning Day: Thursday – the children are encouraged to come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing such as jeans or joggers and their school sweatshirt.  They must bring in their school uniform to change into afterwards.

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 x a week and sign their reading log.  These logs are checked on a daily basis.

Spellings: New spellings are sent home on a Friday.  Spellings are tested on a Friday.

Homework - Spellings, Reading three times a week, Maths, the occasional piece of topic and times tables. 

Useful things to send with your child every day:

Water bottle

Book Bag - with their Reading Book, Reading Journal, Library Book and homework folder

Coat - appropriate to the season

Wellies (can be kept at school)

Sunhat - in the Summer