Year 5

Year 5 is taught by Mrs De La Bedoyere

In Year 5 we focus on becoming independent learners, developing good team work skills and relationships with our peers and having tremendous fun while we learn. We begin to look at getting ready for our SATs next year and even a little bit of high school preparation. Overall in year 5 we try our best to be our best selves. 

A typical day in Year 5 starts with a structured morning routine, beginning with Maths then moving into the Teaching of Reading followed by daily assembly. After play is English and afternoons are dedicated to topic, sports, learning outdoors and creativity. Afternoon lessons are active, dynamic and innovative.

We enjoy beginning a topic with a ‘Sizzling Starter’ to introduce us to the topics. We cover topics such as Dynamic Dynasties learning about China, growing and farming, map work in Geography and ancient Greeks. We also take part in RE days every half term developing our knowledge of different religious festivals around the world. 

Things you should know: