Year 6

Year 6 is taught by Mrs Schultheiss Monday - Thursday and Miss Chambers on Fridays.

In year 6, we focus on teamwork, consolidation of primary school skills and getting ready for the next step of our school life: high school. 


Mornings are typically structured with reading, writing and maths lessons ensuring the children have the skills necessary before moving up to high school. Topic lessons in the afternoon cover the rest of the curriculum in a practical and stimulating way and equip the children with a broad and balanced curriculum.


Year 6 is an important year for our children and we strive to provide them all with the support they need and prepare them for their next steps.  

We have outside learning once a week where the children can gain experience of fire making, den building and water filtration among other survival skills. 

Some children will also have another opportunity to learn to swim 25m at our local swimming pool and gain certificates in this vital skill.  In the summer term, the children have the opportunity to join us on a residential trip which typically lasts two nights away!  In addition, during this term, the children take part in an end of primary school 'graduation' assembly and leavers’ production performed in front of friends and family. 

Year 6 is an exciting year and it’s always a pleasure to guide the children through the final year of their primary schooling preparing them for their next stage in life, high school.

Year 6 Useful Information:

PE day: Tuesdays.

Outdoor Learning Day: Thursdays – the children are encouraged to come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing such as jeans or joggers and their school sweatshirt.  

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 x a week and sign their reading log.  These logs are checked regularly.

Spellings: New spellings are sent home on a Friday.  Spellings are tested on a Friday.

Homework - Spellings and Reading three times a week. More information to follow on Maths and English homework specifically for Year 6. 

Useful things to send with your child every day:

Water bottle

Suitable weather clothing

Book Bag - with their Reading Book, Reading Journal, Library Book and homework folder